Everything You Need to Know About Choosing a Web Hosting Server| Houston, TX|

Everything You Need to Know About Choosing a Web Hosting Server| Houston, TX| Monday, November 30, -0001

Everything You Need to Know About Choosing a Web Hosting Server 


Web Hosting Servers


A Web Hosting Server can be a dedicated server, shared server or virtual (VPS). The purpose of a web server is to connect users to a website. Each server will house the images, content, and programs required for the server to function.  


Dedicated Servers


A dedicated server will serve one company, and is more secure as no other users will have access to it. A shared server will be shared by multiple companies with proper security to isolate sites.  A virtual server appears to users as a different server but actually runs on the same server. The benefit of a virtual server is that CPU, memory and storage can be added when required, under heavy loads for example.


Application Servers


An application server can also be shared, dedicated or virtual. The purpose of an application server is to host applications. These types of servers are usually more powerful in terms of CPU, memory and storage. These are usually more secure machines that are not accessed by the user, but instead, communicate with web servers. Their function is to carry out processes such as payroll systems, HR systems, account systems and reporting systems.


Database Servers


A database server can also run on dedicated, shared servers. Though there are cases where databases run on virtual servers, they usually reside on dedicated or shared servers. The database servers are very large and powerful machines with vast amounts of storage for the database. These servers provide or store data generated by the application servers and are never accessed by users. 


Enterprise Servers


An enterprise server is one that houses applications used by many departments of a company, usually a system accessed by many people using applications such as HR systems, accounts payable systems or mail systems, and even exchange mail for example. They tend to cover the entire organization, whereas other applications may be specific to certain parts of the company.


Why Ezzi.net?


From the early 90’s to today, Ezzi.net has provided reliable, scalable and affordable hosting and servers. Once we provide you with a web hosting server, your CPA firm will enjoy your ultra-fast, high-performing website and can watch your business grow. You’ll experience greater uptime via unprecedented performance, unmatched security, and a huge bandwidth. Visit us at ezzinet or call us at 212.949.1600 to solve all your hosting, server and related business needs.